
Butterfly weed seedling
Butterfly weed seedling

When they hatch, the larvae eat the foliage that contains a milky substance, called cardiac glycoside, which is pretty much poison for any vertebrate. Each fruit contains numerous seeds, which are usually flattened and have a tuft of long, silky hairs at the tip. The butterfly weed flower, or Asclepias tuberose, is a species that serves both as a food source for monarch butterflies, and as a host plant for them to lay their eggs. The fruits (follicles) are podlike, sometimes growing in pairs. There are 2 separate pistils per flower, below the gynostegium. Pollen is contained in pairs of tiny sacs called pollinia these entire sacs are used in pollination. Surrounding the gynostegium is a 5-parted corona (crown) of variously shaped petal-like structures that can resemble hoods or horns. In the center of the flower, the stigmas and anthers are fused into a 5-lobed or angled headlike structure called a gynostegium.

butterfly weed seedling

The 5 corolla lobes are spreading, reflexed, or erect.

butterfly weed seedling

The 5 calyx lobes are spreading or reflexed. The unique, 5-parted flowers of milkweeds grow in rounded clusters (umbels). There are 22 species in 4 genera of milkweeds in Missouri: Asclepias (milkweeds 17 species), Cynanchum (2 species sand vine is the most common), Gonolobus (angle-pod 1 species), and Matelea (climbing milkweeds 2 species). The leaves are simple, most commonly opposite the blades variously shaped but often somewhat wavy. germination rate, though specific research on butterfly weed is lacking. Butterfly weed is one of my favorite plants that I have growing in my garden.

butterfly weed seedling

#Butterfly weed seedling how to#

In this post, I will show how to harvest butterfly weed seeds from your garden step-by-step, and also show you how to store them for next year. Most have white latex (milky sap), but some have clear sap. Asclepias tuberosa, commonly known as butterfly weed, is a species of milkweed native to. Butterfly weed seeds are one of the easiest types of seeds to collect from the garden. In Missouri, milkweeds are perennial herbs or twining vines.

Butterfly weed seedling